Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Moduele 4: Data Handling
How could Mussie and Ellie find out whether older people do more for charity than younger people?
Q1. They could do either researches, or hand out surveys. (Anson)

Why does Mussie think that these data prove him right? Why might Ellie think that these data do not prove him right?
Q2. Mussie- She thinks she’s correct because she got it from a real charity and she’s sure
                     it’s reliable.
       Ellie- He thinks it does not prove her right because the information is only taken
                 From one website
(Hyo jin)
What questions should they ask?
Q3. 1. Why do you donate to charity?
       2. Would you rather donate money or do charity work?
       3. Where do you get the money from?
(Hyo jin)
How many questionnaires should they hand out? Who do you think should fill in their questionnaires?
Q4. They should hand out about 20 questioners.
       They should include: How old are you?
                                         Where do you get your money from?
Which software could Mussie and Ellie use to put the answers into the computer? How can they check that the data are correct? How could they reduce the number of errors in the data? What problems might there be if the data were typed incorrectly?
Q5. By using the formulas
       By correcting and checking them over and over again
       They would get the wrong/incorrect answers
What is the best way for Ellie and Mussie to present their results
Q6. Using a chart

Sunday, January 27, 2013

case study

Lion PL

1. (Anson) The Differences between a Gaming Setup and a Office Setup

 Gaming Setup: A gaming setup requires a good processor (Intel core i7 etc.)
                          It also requires a HD flat screen.
                          A high quality audio system is recommended
                          A high speed modem is very much required.
                          And for personal references, a DVD drive could be useful (Since some
                          people download instead of DVDs.)                  
                         And most importantly, it requires a high quality graphics card (GT Force
Office Setup:  You will need a medium speed modem, not too expensive, nothing else    specific is required. But you will need Office programs. (Microsoft Office 2012 Professional etc.)
(Anson Assisted by Simon) 2. She can work it out by adding up the price of the hardware(s) she needs to buy. Then she needs to enter the budget  of the customerand find out the differences .she needs to find an other otions for the buyer
(Maria) 3. She needs to add the prices up to get the total. 

(Maria & Simon)4. She needs to change the prices on the spreadsheet(e.g.the tower or the size of the screen)

(Hyojin)5. She can make it as a graph so that make it  easier to compare with others.